latest news and updates

On this page you can find useful information that can help you stay up to date on global mobility, tax and other relevant things. We have also categorised our various articles so that it is easy to find the knowledge you are looking for. We post regularly, so remember to check in to stay updated.

New interest rates for calculating day-to-day interest for 2023

As 2023 is coming to end, the deadline for payment of taxes related to 2023 without any interests or surcharges applied is as well.

This year in particular marks a change due to the general developemnt in interest levels in Denmark. The rate of interest and surcharge has gone up dramatically since last year and it is, therefore, highly worthwhile to consider payment of outstanding taxes before the year comes to an end.

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The title says: "Keep your A1s up to date". In the foreground, two employees walking with brief cases towards an airport building. In the background a plane is taking off.

Remember to update your A1s

If your employees travel for work, it will not come as a surprise that you need to apply for or renew their A1s to ensure that they are covered sufficiently in regards to social security, and that you are compliant with EU regulations.

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We went to Make Waves

Our very Linda and Line attended the Make Wave ’23 event in Munich to, as the event organiser puts it: “hear from expert speakers, meet fellow Make users to engage, learn, and discover new best practices“.

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A picture showing a pair of scissors cutting a bag of money in half. The bag has text saying: "10 billion", and 3 coins are falling out of the bag and into a piggy bank. In the background a group of people is seen.

10 Billion DKK tax break proposed

The Danish government has proposed a tax reform, which will give a tax break of 10 billion Danish Kroner (DKK) to 3.3 million Danes from 2026. The reform has also introduced a new “top-top-tax” for people with an annual income of more than 2.5 million DKK.

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