2023 tax reporting deadlines coming up

The deadline for corrections of incorrect reports for the income year 2023 is coming up - remember that this might also concern your duties as an employer.

Your duties as employer

If you have withheld too much or too little A-tax or labour market contributions during 2023, and therefore, you have incorrectly reported the salary that your employee has been paid, the discrepant gross amount must be corrected and you must report the correction to the Danish Tax Authorities.

You might want to consider if you need to re-examine your employees’ compensations, if your employees have been working in several countries or as a secondee during 2023 and the income abroad has not been considered in the current report.

The deadline is February 22nd 2024

If you have not made corrections before the deadline on February 22nd 2024 your employees risk receiving incorrect year-end statements. This in turn can lead to:

  •  your employees paying excessive amounts of tax
  • frustrated employees
  • mistrust between employees and employer
  • damage to your reputation

Get Tax Reconciliation ASSISTANCE

* By checking GDPR Consent, you agree to let us store the information you provided in our system. You can always contact us to permanently remove your data. 

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9th grade work experience with Crossbord

In Denmark the students in 8th and 9th grade have the possibility to get an introduction to work life through a one week internship with a company or institution. Participating in a work experience program can help your child gain insights and make informed decisions about their future education and career path. This week we have the pleasure of welcoming Adam to our office to see what it is like to work with international tax, compliance, and payroll.

Changes to Denmark’s Inbound Expat Tax Regime Will Impact High-Income Recruitment from 2026

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do you have any questions?

* By checking GDPR Consent, you agree to let us store the information you provided in our system. You can always contact us to permanently remove your data. 

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