“Succesvirksomhed” 2023

Crossbord has been awarded the prestigeous Succesvirksomhed 2023 (success corporation) based on our performance in the recent five years.

We are pleased to announce that we have been recognised with the “Succesvirksomhed 2023” award, a distinctive honour introduced by SparNord and BDO in 2019.

This accolade is designed to commend companies which consistently demonstrate growth and consolidation over an extended period of time, specifically through  an analysis of a five-year financial window. It is selectively awarded to a maximum of 1,000 distinguished companies in Denmark annually.

Our Sincere Appreciation:
– To SparNord and BDO for recognising our continual efforts and bestowing this honour upon us.

– To our dedicated team, whose consistent diligence and expertise have steered our journey toward this milestone.

– To our clients and partners, for their unwavering trust and collaborative spirit, enabling achievements like this to materialise.

As we graciously accept this award, we look ahead with a steadfast commitment to further growth, innovation, and sustainable success in our endeavors.

Thank you!!!

latest news

The 1% Holiday Allowance

In May and August, the 1 % holiday allowance is paid to the employees which has a right to paid holiday. The 1% holiday allowance is an additional allowance. The holiday allowance is 1% of your accrued holiday applicable salary from the 1st of September to the 31st of August.

Why Payroll matters – understanding Denmark’s transition to a reporting based tax system

In the early 2000s the Danish Tax Ministry had a vision of a tax return-free society. With the changes in 2018 the system has taken a big step forwards, and we are “almost” there. In 2018 the Danish system simplified its tax system by eliminating traditional self-reporting (tax return) and replacing it with a more streamlined reporting system. This change supports the broader vision of reducing administrative burdens and leveraging technology to enhance tax compliance. The new approach particularly impacts global mobility, where the responsibility for accurate income reporting shifts significantly towards employers.

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