As a part of Adam’s work experience, he joined with different parts of the delivery team and support staff to see what life is like on an ordinary day at Crossbord. As part of his time with the Marketing department at Crossbord he was tasked with writing an article about what it is like to be an intern here.
My name is Adam. I am a 15-year-old boy in ninth grade who loves to play sports. I have had a lot of thoughts about what I want to do in my future, and I am happy we got the opportunity to get a work experience at a workplace of my own choice. Therefore, I without hesitation picked Crossbord because I really wanted to have an experience in something I have thought about becoming.
a Week at Crossbord
This week I am interning at Crossbord to learn what it means to be an international tax compliance expert.
First Day at Crossbord
What makes a business?
When I arrived at Crossbord on my first day, I would say I was a bit nervous. I was so excited to see how it is to work at Crossbord and to learn about the job. The first thing I got to do was to learn about the workplace and how it was built up. I was really surprised at how difficult it is to build a company and how to build it smartly. I learned that you should pick a smart strategy. You could pick either ApS or A/S for your company. It has importance for if you want to work with big companies and have big partnerships, or if you want less hassle and big partnerships are not that important. You can also think a little about who you’re reaching to and what you have to offer to different kinds of people. How you get your product, your service, and how you can get it all to work together.
Meeting and Personality Test
Later that day, I got to sit in a meeting with some of the adults. It was interesting to see how that works and how they discussed some things. After that, I had a test to see what my personality type (DiSC) is and how people theoretically should talk to me. When we found out my type, I got to learn about my type and all the other types, and it surprised me a little to see how much difference there was. My type is D, and some of my character traits could be that I am a bit direct when I talk and in the way I conduct myself. It could also be that I am really result-oriented. I can see some of those things in myself, but I also see myself in some of the other types. I think it can also be hard to see how I am; it’s probably easier to tell a type on another person.
Lunch and Employee Interaction
At lunch, I got to hear all the employees talk about themselves and their personality types. I also told a little about myself, what I found out about personality type, and how people should talk to me.
Business Model Canvas
After lunch, I had one more thing that day, and it was something I did not really expect to be that exciting. I had to learn about the business model canvas and how I could put it into every company there is. I had to pick a workplace that I would try to put on the business model canvas. I picked my own job because I already knew a little about that. I had to write down the things you can do and what kind of people typically would do some of those activities. An example could be that you can play in a playground, and the typical people are probably kids or younger children.
Second Day: International Tax
Learning About Tax and doing office exercise
I thought a lot about what I would learn on my second day because it was about tax. I really thought I knew exactly what tax was, but I was wrong.
What I thought was just a small thing in the big picture. I started the day out with the basics just so I could understand all the things I was going to learn later. I got told a lot about clause 1 in The Danish Tax Withholding Act (Kildeskatteloven) and article 4 in The OECD Model Tax treaty. And it was about which country you are tax eligible in and how that gets decided. I also got to answer some cases about if some people are tax eligible in one or another country.
Right before lunch, we had training. That I had really looked forward to, and it was fun. We had to stretch because we all sit in a chair most of the time and just to loosen up. Then we had to train, and it was hard, and we all began to sweat a little.
The Resident State
When lunch was done, I had to learn about the resident state and how I could decide that. That was hard to understand, but after some time, I got into it. I also had some cases about that, and they were pretty hard. When I got the hang of it, I was proud because at the start of the day, I didn’t know anything, and when the day was over, I could solve cases.
Third Day: Marketing and IT
Day three has just started, and today I am going to learn about marketing and IT in a company. I have heard a little about what marketing is and how it has changed in the last couple of years. Then I was set to write an article about my week here at Crossbord.
Before I came, I just thought it would be like a school day about the job. But it is far from that. All the employees have really been sweet and really tried to explain something if I did not understand it or if I understood something in another way. When we have breaks, I really feel like I have known everybody for more than 2 days, and I think that I picked the right place to have a work experience.
I am so happy that Crossbord wanted me to have a work experience at their workplace, and that they wanted to teach me about what it would say to be an international tax compliance expert. It has been some fun and instructive days, and I can really recommend it for others.