Useful links when working in Denmark

We have collected useful information and links for you, e.g. who are from abroad and are working in Denmark. Follow the guide in the link or contact us if you have any doubts.

MIT-ID ("My-ID")

The MIT-ID is a digital key to access any public related information or service, you may need. The MIT-ID plays a key role in administration of Danish affairs.

We strongly recommend to get a MIT-ID before initiating any of the other processes.

The process is by far easier, if you have passport with a chip in it.

get mit-id using passport
get danish cpr-number

CPR-nummer and Skattekort

"Civil registration number and tax card"

If your employee is taxable to Denmark and needs to receive a year-end statemnet (“årsopgørelse”), a CPR-number and a tax card must be obtained. Crossbord has extensive experience assisting companies and their employees attaining a CPR-number and skattekort.

Click below to book a meeting with one of our consultants about onboarding of new employees to Denmark.

NEM Konto

"Easy Account"

The NEM-Konto is where every payout from a public authority in Denmark is directed. You can use a Danish or a foreign bank account.

get nem-konto

do you have any questions?

Feel free to reach out to us, and we will get back to you

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